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Home Corporate Info Profile Director General Message


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Greetings and Greetings of Unity.

Thanks be to Allah SWT because with His abundant grace and permission, we have been blessed with the opportunity to step into the New Year 2023. Alhamdulliah, with His Guidance and Inayah, we managed to overcome various trials and challenges throughout the year 2022.

I take this opportunity to express my appreciation and gratitude to all the IKMa’s staffs who have given high commitment and solid cooperation in making every program we plan successful throughout the year 2022 which is the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Cooperative Movement in Malaysia. Hopefully the involvement of all parties in ensuring that our agenda dignifies the cooperative movement throughout the past year, can be multiplied again in 2023.

In empowering the cooperative's human capital which is the backbone of the establishment of IKMa, in 2022 IKMa has focused on 5 main focuses, namely:

i. Boosting Cooperative Income (Million Ringgit Cooperative League) (MiRiCLe);

i. Developing Cooperative Entrepreneurship (COOPreneur);

iii. Empowering the Cooperative Digitalization (C.O.D.E);

iv. Financial and Accounting Strengthening (F.A.S.T); and

v. Cooperative Rejuvenation (Reju).

Until December 2022, IKMa has implemented a total of 762 face-to-face and online programs with a total of 36,856 participants. IKMa has also opened several new IKMa’s branches namely in Ipoh Perak, Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu and will come in Miri, Sarawak and Tawau, Sabah.

I hope that IKMa’s staffs can continue to improve the momentum of the existing performance and remain persistent in the face of any future challenges, in our efforts to realize the National Entrepreneurship Policy 2030 (DKN2030) and the Malaysian Cooperative Transformation Plan (TransKom) 2021-2025 for the progress and sustainability of the cooperative movement.

Happy New Year and may the year 2023 bring a thousand graces and blessings to all of us. Insyallah.




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